Wadi Sakeef General Trading Co. W.L.L. involvesin thebusinesses of Industrial Filters, FMCG, Fashion Design Accessories, Cricket Equipments and IT Services. The IT services are absolute answer for a complete presense and business activity for the company on the internet. WADI SAKEEF GENERAL TRADING CO.W.L.L. (IT DIVISION) offers people the capability to become familiar with the actual power of the internet and exploit its utility through innovative ideas and suggestions that aim each business.
With a large number of activities, we cover a wide range of services. We are certainly in position to offer proper business solutions that are aimed to cover your needs completely. Our main field of activity is the Formation of Websites, the Development of Internet Applications and the Business to Business Systems.
All our projects have been fully harmonized with the models of the international organization W3C about XHTML and CSS.
Kuwait City, Kuwait